Black History Month Week Two: Seven Facts Related to the Notorius B.I.G.
Over the last week, I was trying to figure out which elements of Black History I was going to write about next. There are just so many...
Seven People to Know for Week One of Black History Month
In celebration of Black History Month, I will be posting a series of pieces on figures in Black History who might not be as well-known as...

Why Your Black and Brown Friends May Not Feel Safer with the Incoming Presidency.
In recent days, as President-elect Joe Biden has appeared on television condemning the insurrection this past week and announcing his...

Ode to Manhattan at 7 a.m.
As with many people, I turned on the television on December 31 and watched as the ball dropped over Times Square, signaling that 2021 had...
Reflecting on the Year 2020: Some Silver Linings
I suspect that it will be quite difficult for many of us to review the year we are leaving behind in a positive light. However, that is...

A Blog Post About a Blog Post About How I Became The Resistant Naturalist.
Seven years ago this month, I began a blog within which I could discuss natural, organic, and chemical-free products for menstruation,...

I'm Not a Pacifist... Am I?
Lighthouse in southern New Jersey. For much of my life, I have considered myself not a pacifist. My reason was because pacifism as I...

The Merits of a Good Cry
Several mornings ago, I went through my wake-up routine: I put on some workout clothes and completed some gentle yoga, prayer and...

Losing and Finding My Voice as a Chiarian.
The video below is of me singing Jackie DeShannon's What the World Needs Now is Love. It is a tribute to my fellow Chiarians, who have...

The Traumas of Being Non-White in the United States: My Perspective
US-Mexico Border, San Diego, California This past couple of weeks has been a series of emotional hits...not that the past few months...